All adult ladies of the parish are members. It is the sponsoring body for the Altar Society, Quilters and Pro-Life Committee.
Altar Society
Cares for the altar decorations and upkeep of vestments and altar lines. Contact Betty
Westhoff 636-566-8444.
Provide quilts for the support of the Altar Society and the parish school. Quilting on
Mondays, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. and Tuesdays, 8:30 a.m. to Noon. Contact Rose Ann
Heitman 636-661-5185.
Pro-Life Committee
Informs the parish concerning Pro-Life affairs. Initiates writing campaigns, fund-raising
and other Pro-Life activities. Sponsored by Ladies Sodality, but open to concerned
men and women. Contact Carol Nickles 636-665-5477.